WiFI/Ethernet client with DTLS
This is a DTLS client sample in C that uses the mbedtls library. This is a library used in both Zephy, ESP-IDF and other projects.
The source code is available int the GitHub repo https://github.com/lab5e/dtls-mbedtls-sample A detailed description of the sample is available in this blog post.
Client certificate and private key
The sample code reads the certificate and private key from the files cert.crt
and key.pem
. Both files must be PEM-encoded. The cert.crt
contains the client certificate, intermediates and root and the key.pem
file contains the private key.
Use the span CLI to generate a certificate and key file.
Building on Raspberry Pi
This example buidls on Raspberr Pi (including Zero) - run
sudo apt-get install libmbedtls-dev
to install the mbedtls headers, then
to build to example.
Building on Fedora-based
sudo dnf install mbedtls mbedtls-devel make gcc